Matt Bird

Construction Manager
Matt Bird
Matt Bird brings a unique mix of skills and experience to his role as Construction Manager. From a background in town planning, Matt retrained and entered Haydn & Rollett in 2006 as a carpenter, before taking on a project manager’s role, followed by three years as General Manager of Property Services. Among some of the larger projects he was involved with were Metlifecare’s ‘The Poyton’ retirement village in Takapuna and the $120 million third stage of the Carlaw Park Student Village, the latter undertaken during his recent time as Haydn & Rollett’s Contracts Manager.
As Construction Manager, Matt’s strengths include a balanced approach that incorporates operational, technical and strategic requirements, and the kind of excellent communication skills that help foster a team culture of honesty and accountability. In addition, he brings a positive mindset – a critical trait for achieving successful project outcomes at all levels – and an awareness of the need to remain adaptable and flexible to meet the changing demands of industry.